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THE HUNDREDS, a Book, a form and a Concept

10:00 - 12:00

JUNE 01, 2018




JUNE 01, 2018


LAUREN BERLANT & KATIE STEWART A look into the collaborative writing between Berlant & Stewart and collective writing exercises. Stewart and Berlant will read from The Hundreds with a focus on the question of writing and the generation of concepts that are not only abstractions. They will also orchestrate collective writing exercises for real-time collaborative conceptual generation.

ANDREW CAUSEY & SUSAN LEPSELTER Our panel asks how heightening our sense of adjacency can transform concepts into living objects we move into and around. We hook into curiosity as a compulsive root urge. We want to perceive, attend to, and engage with varied metaphors’ spatial relations as an invigorating and affective path to a way IN. We also look at fear, curiosity’s shivering twin, in the hopes of creating or encountering other links that will lead to a deeper sense of presence in often unexamined experiences. In this workshop filled with drawing and writing, we will explore ways of pursuing curiosity, and fear, and how to rearticulate and redraw what we find there. We will seek to redeem unabashed curiosity, not to flee from it.

11:30 - 01:00

JUNE 02, 2018



Stephen Muecke - Reclaiming the Arts of Paying Attention

Fred Moten - TBA




06/01 12:00 - 01:30


BEN ANDERSON I can’t help but dream about a kind of criticism that would try not to judge but to bring an oeuvre, a book, a sentence, an idea to life; it would light fires, watch the grass grow, listen to the wind, and catch the sea foam in the breeze and scatter it. It would multiply not judgments but signs of existence; it would summon them, drag them from their sleep. Perhaps it would invent them sometimes – all the better. All the better.


I’ve always loved Foucault’s dream. Beginning from its promise that we might learn to encounter and attune to worlds differently and working with some of the concepts that accompany recent interest in affects, moods, emotions, structures of feeling, atmospheres and tones, this workshop will explore what concepts of and for affective life might do as the social sciences and humanities are newly receptive to and animated by dreams of other kinds of criticism. We’ll explore the changing tasks and desires and moods of conceptual work in relation to affective life amid these other dreams – to transform, to listen, to describe, to speculate, to disturb, to disrupt, to diagnose, to hold, to think anew, to multiply associations, to become attuned … amongst many others. And we’ll use some games from improvisational theatre alongside some conversation and movement to help us change the mood. Please bring a concept that has stayed with you and you might struggle to give up, or a concept that has become newly fragile, or a recently encountered or invented concept that has begun to resonate with you. I may bring structures of feeling or hope or modes of uncertainty.  


Accept All Changes

06/01 03:30 - 05:00


BARBARA BROWNING with IMRE LODBROG This session could alternatively be called: Inappropriate Intimacies, Show-and-Tell, or Truth-or-Dare. We aim to encourage experiments in collaborative writing that move through other expressive forms. The workshop presenters will recount their own process of responding to each other’s non-literary expressions (particularly dance and song) in writing, and vice versa. We'll also try to help participants come up with intermedia strategies for showing, telling and daring. 

indexing open space

RENEE GLADMAN In this workshop, we will experiment with using indexing as a way of reaching into the unknown, the invisible, into things that sit outside of language. Through conversation and a few short writing exercises, we will make bridges, uncover ley lines, and ask impossible questions about seeing and thinking. Some examples of creative indexing are Helen Mirra' s Cloud, the, 3 and Karen Reimer’s Legendary, Lexical, Loquacious Love.

06/02 10:00 - 11:15


Object disturbance and hip checks

06/02 02:00 - 03:00


ERICA RAND In this workshop we ask people to come in with something they want to change directions on. Maybe it’s a story you’ve written or tell all the time that you realize isn’t in the can like you thought it was. Maybe it’s a project originally guided by training or habits that you now want to depart from.  Maybe it’s something that you like just fine, and you are ready for a hip check, knocking your readers, or letting yourself be knocked, off course. Maybe you want to be brave/r somehow. Or something else. The workshop will include some small-group planning time, some writing time, and then some time to talk about it after trying it.

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